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Hang Seng Trader Concept

The Hangseng Unexplained

Many Options Stock Index to be traded, there is one item that is extraordinary, call the Hangseng of Hong Kong, Are you HANGSENG lovers? If your lover is certainly a little more HANGSENG you know the customs and prowess.Hangseng TheAdventurers, almost every day Hangseng pace - down to the speed of 100 km per hour and average mileage reaches 1000 points per day, wow. . . incredible, I wish you could take him only 10% or 100 points on average, you must have pocketed millions of dollars Daily.

But unfortunately Beauty of Hong Kong is very difficult to predict her like a wild horse who wants to move alone, billions of dollars to be victims and vice versa keganasannya millions of people the world has been contrived by him satisfied.

How To Success in the Hang Seng Trading? Let us refer to this one!

Hang Seng Trading without Stop Loss

Thousands of investors and traders have a tragic experience in running Hang Seng Trading without stop loss, while they were wrong position, intentionally left without Stop Loss prices they expect to be back as their positions, there are few who happened to be successful, the price back up to the price of the transaction open while bereka , but also very much an ongoing price against the price of continuing their position and their position ultimately must diliquidasi by companies because the funds are not sufficient.

Hang seng Trading with Stop Loss

Lots of traders and investors who howled curses accompanied by hysterical screams because they were deceived, an instance while they do actions Buy HANGSENG han was the price drops and after touching the price level Stop Loss (automatic stop position is determined according tearget) and found the price later again rising rapidly, wow. . . really bite finger deh, "in fact the position is correct, was not known so pake stop loss" that words that are automatically out of the traders who are not committed to the plan. While traders who commit them say, "yaudah it is a risk of Discipline"

However HANGSENG Trading with Stop Loss is much better than without stoploss only, Where is it placed Stop Loss? Back On capabilities, That's the answer.

Hangseng the Idol

From some Asian stock index options traders become, HANGSENG most demanding, all that is because fluctuations HANGSENG last few years is remarkable, no transaction hours too early, which breaks only once a day, most traders are enjoying HANGSENG working hours, ie between the hours of 8:30 am until 11:30 hrs (Session I), then continued in Session II 13:30 hrs until 15:00 hrs the market close.

Until now, the majority of traders in Indonesia particularly idolized HANGSENG, only strategy is very appropriate to be applied in HANGSENG, it is so far not been revealed.Whoever you are, never once - once felt very capable of guessing the resulting trend HANGSENG you lost in trading, because as wonderful as you in analyzing any but you must remember, that the prediction or analysis remains analysis, that there is absolutely no guarantee of certainty, so you fall asleep then you are finished, if you do not have kongkreet anticipation.

Trading Plan is the Best Solution

No different from trading on any item, which is an absolute must-have in the Trading Plan, what position would you choose today, at what level you will take a position, if you ketarik What will you do, you will stand or will you stop loss, if you'll stop loss, at what level?, when will you hold your position, how much your fund, able to hold up to move how many points your position attractive price? yourself if you have prepared to inject funds to your account? and some other important things you should take into account before making decisions.

Without good planning, any sharp as your skills in analyzing, you'll still beaten HANGSENG destroyed. Recognized or not they committed themselves in the ability of the plan is 80% to determine the success in trading HANGSENG.

Facing Hangseng, you must be a Robot

In the face of HANGSENG, you should not compromise, you should be planning your robot, if your mind has to find a decision as stipulated in the Planning Trading, then you will stay running with no compromises. Think of yourself as a robot who had no consideration, execute the instruction after the instruction has been issued by the Planning you. Abil position, if it sudaah time according to plan, close your position if that's what you want your plan, never mind whatever happens.

From Date October 4, 2007 sd 26 November 2009, the Hang Seng Stock Index, with Capital $. $ 20,000 developing into .114.375. Is a spectacular result. Deliberately bring into the yard at Public, the tester with a period of time long enough, to describe a concept of trading is not just a coincidence. If the performance of a concept is only several months or only a few weeks, the indications are very strong chance. however, for the period of approximately 2 years, it will be a little to make us ask, is it true for about 2 years it was just coincidence?

From Date October 27, 2009 sd 26 November 2009, the Hang Seng Stock Index, with initial capital $.Grow to $ 20,000. 41,050, or 100% more in 1 month. It is the result of tester that is extraordinary, which describes the sharpness of the concept of trading, but even so, the movement in the future anyway, no one can tell. Therefore do not let you have the wrong perception or thought that we were the greatest traders who provide a guarantee. We do not provide warranties of any kind.

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