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Arbitrage Vs Mutual Fund

Recognized or not, or Mutual Fund which is well known as Reksadana, is one of several types of financial investment that is very unusual, the instrument at this time we give the freedom to choose what instruments we will put our funds, the outline Instruments Reksadana so in four parts for the Money Market, Bonds, Stocks and mix. If the average is taken - the average mutual funds have several advantages, among others; Return quite high, very transparent, fleksible in the instrument in determining what we fund in place, and some other benefits.

On the other there is an area that is also the investment potential of the Trade Berjangka do with the theory Arbitrage. If we compare with Reksadana, almost - we almost could not find a difference, Pengelolahan the same - the same transparent, because the same security - in the same Kustodian Banker or Segregated Account and some kesamaannya, the difference is only in the Return on Investment. In the field of trade is done with the Berjangka Arbitrage as a strategy, Return On Investment can reach a range of 5 - 20% Perbulan or 60 - 240% year.

Thus the review of several perspectives, especially from Funsi Rating based on a basic investment that is safe and Growth, Trade Arbitrage in Berjangka, far more superior in the appeal with Reksadana and link units.

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